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engine hardware中文是什么意思

用"engine hardware"造句"engine hardware"怎么读"engine hardware" in a sentence


  • 实际发动机


  • The fuel cell engine hardware system of control system with the embedded microprocessor as the core is realized
  • These agents note changes within existing documents and update the index , which is stored in the search - engine hardware ' s ram
  • The development and design of fuel cell engine hardware platform , interface module and monitor module have been finished . at the same time the fuel cell engine control system should have certain anti - interface ability
  • To the display unit , the display volume , projection unit , and input device are studied and analysed . to the graphics engine , the working principle is studied , including conversion of coordinate systems , processing of the image data , the process of conversion matrix , voxel ordering , and some simple methods of graphics engine hardware
用"engine hardware"造句  
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